Medropharm is committed to keeping you up to date with all the latest developments in the world of cannabis medicine and research. For this reason, we would like to present the latest results in the field of medical cannabis in the following article. Specifically, it is about a scientific article published at the beginning of December 2020 on the topic of "The endocannabinoid system and depressive disorders".
Recent scientific research has concluded that the functions of the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS) are strongly related to depressive disorders. The cannabinoid CBD, which interacts directly with the ECS, influences several factors associated with major depressive disorder. Thus, CBD may lead to molecular and cellular changes in those neuronal structures that may promote or trigger depression. For example, it has been shown that CBD can increase BDNF levels in the human nervous system. BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) is a protein found in all vertebrates. As a signaling substance, it is responsible for the connection between nerve cells. Studies in recent years have shown that BDNF levels that are too low can promote depression and suicidal thoughts. Accordingly, the targeted intake of CBD could have a positive, supportive effect here. There is still a lack of sufficient study data to scientifically confirm the benefits of CBD in this area. However, all studies to date suggest that CBD could become a safe aid in the fight against depression - whether alone or in combination with conventional medications.
Further research has also shown that CBD interacts with the very receptors in the ECS that control emotions such as anxiety or other feelings associated with fear. Unfortunately, clinical studies proving that CBD can achieve these positive effects in the human ECS are still lacking. Most of the evidence to date comes from animal studies and theoretical calculations.
Interestingly, sporadic research on the therapeutic effects of CBD in depressive disorders has been conducted since the 1970s. Unfortunately, very few of the theories have been tested in human studies to date. Therefore, there is still a lot of catching up to do in this area in the coming years.
Link to study:
The information and data that served as a basis for the preparation of this article were taken from professional articles, trade journals or studies. Medropharm is not authorized to make any healing and/or efficacy promises related to their cannabis products.
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